El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)

to to to 000 0 Thursday, March 23, 1911. 3 EL PASO HERALD OLD FASHIONED RARGAIN FRIDAY SALES Bright and Early Tomorrow Morning the Sun Arises on the Most Terrific Price-Cutting of this Wonderful Ten-Day 44 "Clean-Up" Sale This week ends this genuinely successful sale-Saturday is the end. China, Glass and Art Ware must be cleaned up. We are more determined than ever to make a thorough clean up of this stock of our China Department. It's the People's Golden Opportunity--Come Select the highest dependable ware from this immaculate stock, which is now ruthlessly sacrificed without any thought being given by us to cost.

Our object is to sell out as much of this stock at unheard of prices as possible. Two More Days Remain of this Bargain Event! Chocolate Fancy Cake and Salad We Offer Another Lot Consisting of Sets at Fancy floral patterned Bowls at cups at, each HALF PRICE 300 floral gold plates and at, white 420 HALF PRICE 10c Decorated Dinner Plates in $5.00 Gold and Floral Floral Patterns 5c 65c. Handsome Bowls, Pattern, six cups and 3000 Plates, sizes for dinner, breakfast and and Cake Plates, all Floral and Gold, at pot, $2.85 all 500 sizes French and China patterns Plates in floral 712c at shapes, 39c and gold, worth $4.00 a 15c 10c Cups and Saucers, all $7.00 Fancy Pattern, decorated, for the two at 5c $1.25 Hand Painted set of six cups and 40c Open Vegetable Dishes, large size, in Bowls Cake Plates, pot, Gold and Floral Patterns, at $3.95 at 15c various 79c SYSTEM REFRIGERATION Cut Your Ice $4 Tabourette The Built-in Porcelain Lined Water Cooler of the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR In Fumed Oak is the built food in the and ice partition which chambers. separates Food for flavors cannot reach the water it contains. Filth cannot collect around it.

SPECIAL It nor filled Automatic does requires from it no the take extra Refrigerator. outside up at extra consumption the The room. top of of It nickel ice, the is $2:50 plated faucet is in front, out of the way of all harm. The ice chamber nor food 95c from filling chambers economical it. the It need and is cooler not its be or absolutely exposed drawing convenience when sanitary the is water either sug- and We Arts ourettes have and in only Crafts solid 25 of oak, designed these strongly clever taband artistically made and fingested by the illustration of the child ished in the fumed (nut brown) 100 pair of fine Notting- procuring a glass of ice cold water.

finish. Just as illustrated, ham Lace Curtains, per special today until the lot is pair, for tomorrow only, more at than a third off. reduction of $1.00 PER WEEK sold the above Mail R. R. Fare Orders Free To all out-of-town cusWe fill all mail orders tomers making a $100 or the day received on any more purchase at our of these specials at these 216-18 SAN ANTONIO store we will rebate $10 EL on their railroad fare to bargain prides.

TEXAS. El Paso and return. PECOS IS AFTER A PACKING PLANT New Yorkers Ask Bonus for $250,000 Industry. Pecos, March L. Swinehart, president of the Texas Irrigation congress, has returned from Atlanta, where he attended the meeting of the Southern congress.

Mr. Swinehart, convention Commerciahe at Atlanta, where he was elected governor of the congress the state of Texas, went to New York to investigate a proposition a packing house Pecos. It talocate a $250,000 plant with a killing and treating capacity of 200 cattle, 250 sheep and 250 hogs per day. A bonus equivalent to about $100,000 has been asked. Young men of Pecos are organizing the Pecos Athletic association.

They QUALITY It is not the quantity but the inherent quality of SCOTT'S EMULSION that enables it to perform its mission. It is the one remedy universally known and used because of its ability to quickly restore lost strength, increase weight, and vitalize the nerve centers. There is vitality in every drop of Scott's Emulsion ALL DRUGGISTS WORK RESUMED IN CHEMUNG MINES Work on Railroad Also Is to Be Resumed in a Short Time. Silver City, N. March work has been recently inaugurated upon the principal properties of the Chemung Conner company situated at Tyrone, in the Burro mountain mining district, and a force of 90 men is now employed in further prosecuting development work.

The Chemung company has, for, the past four years, developed its large holdings in this district and now has approximately $16,000,000 in ores blocked out. For some unstated reason, the company ceased operations in the closing months of the past year, bulkheaded its mines and left one or two watchmen only. Its present resumption of operations is taken by well-informed mining men to mean either that the present owners intend to work the properties steadily and to erect a concentrating plant sufficient for the treatment of its production of ores, or a sale of the company holdings to the Chino Copper company, which latter company is reported to have recently secured 100,000 shares of the Chemung stock, together with option to purchase. In either event, renewed activity will mark operations in the district and means much to this section. It is further reported, upon evidently reliable authority, that the next few weeks will witness the resuming of work upon the railway, building out of the Burro mountains presumably to Whitewater, a Santa Fe station 20 miles below city.

The Santa Rita branch connects with the main branch at this point. In event of a. of is erecting its 3000-ton concentrating property. by the Chino company, which plant five miles from Whitewater, the new railway would be used for the transportation of the Chemung ores diChino plant. Evidently, the activity at Tyrone contemplates the treatment of the Burro mountain ores at the large China plant, either by the present owners or Chino company itself.

Other companies in the Burros will likely increase their working forces, since the Chemung is again active. ASH CANYON MINER BRINGS BIG NUGGET Bisbee, March -The new Ash Canyon gold district is exciting much local interest, due to the return of Charles Morgan, who after five days work on placer claim has about $400 in dust and nuggets to show for it. One of the nuggets he brought to Bisbee with him weighs $76 and is practically pure gold. This is the largest nugget the district has yet produced. Several local men are interested in the district, Oliver Zane and James Nichols having located what they believe is the mother lode of the district.

A company will be organized for the purpose of working it. GOLD STRIKE REPORTED NEAR OLD CITY OF LA PAX A rich strike 1S reported to have been made in 'the vicinity of the old city Pax, in Yuma county, Ariz. The strike, it is said, made on property owned by the new Pax Gold Mining company. Its holdings consist of 426 acres, and gravel is said to have been found that runs from $2.80 to $25 per yard, several coarse nuggets being taken out that run in value from 50 cents to $4. These claims were formerly on the Colorado indian reservation and were purchased by the officers of the company shortly after the reservation was thrown open about a year According to O.

L. Grimsley, president of the company, a $40,000 plant will be installed at once. For some time a large force of men has been at work on a storage reservoir that will hater.a It is capacity of proposed 2,000,000 to work gallons the of claims by hydraulic process. RAINS CAUSE REVIVAL IN ARIZONA'S PLACER MINING The unusual rains of the spring have brought out unwonted activity in the placer fields of Arizona. Lynx creek district extensive operations have been begun at the old Barlow-Massicks mine, which has been idle for several years owing to the scarcity of water.

Five miles north of the old Fortuna mine, in Yuma county, a fine gold ledge which samples $17 to the ton has pust now been discovered by Wingate Lindsey and John Willis. The mine been worked already as is evidenced a in tunnel which the depth connot be determined. Churn drills are to be started on the property of the Arizona United company east of Benson. OIL FIELD AROUND ARTESIA AND DAYTON TO BE WORKED Roswell, N. March oil district around Artesia and Dayton will be thoroughly explored during the coming summer, according to the statements of drillers in that section.

A representative of Chicago investors is. now at Artesia and he says that the field is worth development and that his associates will soon begin work on it. MINE IS NOT INTERFERED WITH BY MEXICAN TROUBLE J. B. Moore, general manager of the Jimulco Mining company at Otto, in the state of Durango, says, the operations of the mining company have not been interfered with, the regular force being employed, but that shipments have been temporarily delayed.

HAS SILVER ORE READY. L. G. Cuthbert for shipment to the smelter of preparing. ore that samples 225 ounces silver to the ton.

The ore is from the sinking of a shaft only 45 feet deep on a claim in the western Bradshaws in the Walnut Grove section of Arizona. FISH for Lent at Ardoin's. ASK ABOUT KILLING THAT DID NOT OCCUR IN EL PASO El Paso police have received a letter from judge J. P. Brown of Newport News, asking for details relative to the reported killing of Dr.

Nathaniel Austin Floyd in this city, but no such was ever killed here, SO far as known to the police. John W. Sickelsmith, Greensboro, has three children, and like most dren they frequently take cold. have tried several kinds of cough mi cine," he says, "but have never found any yet that did them as much good as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy." sale by all dealers, New Patterns for April Now Here We take pleasure in announcing that we have taken the agency for HOME The Ladies' Home Journal PATTERNS AS These patterns are accurately cut and can be 3 All used the successfully season's by best even the styles most can be inexperienced. found in MITERNO these for both women and children.

The Popular GOODS CO INC. TELLS BUSINESS MEN TO QUIT SOFT PEDALING ABOUT THE REVOLUTION Says the Newspaper Truths Have Not Hurt Business in El Paso- J. W. Carter Talks to Lunchers. said that the El Paso "It has been have done us damage in newspapers do not agree with this.

Mexico. I against El Paso prejudices ness antedated the present revolution. the newspapers have been "I think loyal and true. "The time has come when we should soft pedaling about the revoluquit Paso is in a position to tell the of the futility of hoping for an world adjustment of things under the present conditions (in Mexico). is responsible for "Our government and security of the countries the peace the south and the time has come to when it does not shirk the responsibility and proving it." These were some of J.

W. Carter's sentences in his talk to epigramatic business at their luncheon the the true conditions in Thursday, on Mexico. In plain, business logic, Mr. who has spent many years in Carter, republic, told the El Paso business the men the exact condition of fairs in Mexico as he saw them and how they could be remedied. EI Paso Should Control Trade.

"I have been met with the statement in Mexico," he said, "that Mexican merchants did not want goods from El Paso because the prices were not right, the deliveries were not made promptly, or orders were substituted. Instead of five percent of the Mexican trade coming to El Paso, 95 percent should through our port. We need salesgo men in Mexico understand conditions. It is the rarest thing to find salesmen in Mexico selling El Paso goods, El Paso is located to control the yet most of this trade. El Paso is in better position to control this trade because the El Paso houses do not have to pay the duty until the goods are sold.

Yet Mexican houses sell their goods in El Paso's territory in spite of this handicap. Prices Should Be Made Right. "If our prices are high, we should shave them. We should look into these We should see that the are complaints and see if theliveries just. prompt and we should study trade conditions and meet them.

It has. been said that the El Paso newspapers have done us damage in Mexico. It has said by some that the newspapers haste done the town more harm than the revolution. I do not with this statement. When business bad we look to the newspapers, but to ourselves, to lay, the blame it belongs.

prejudice in Mexico antedated the revolution. While we are from revolution in the the railroads and suffering, then other lines, what we want is the big trade that we have not had. There is reason for this prejudice and we should find it out and correct it. I think that the newspapers have been loyal even to the point of absurdity. We have no complaint to make against them.

They are loyal and true. Quit Soft Pedaling. "The time has come when we should quit soft pedaling about this revolution. We do not want to hide anything. Let the world know how bad conditions are down there.

El Paso is in a position to tell the world of the futility of hoping for an adjustment of things under the present conditions. The sooner the world understands that there is no chance of a settlement, the sooner conditions will become normal and business will be reestablished. The end the present revolution is not far off, because our government is responsible for the peace and security of the countries to the south and the time has comethank God--when our government does not shrink from the responsibility and is proving it today." (Applause). John A. Miller of Pittsburg and Louis N.

Raphael of Houston, both members of the firm of Miller Sons, who are financing the new hotel, were present at the luncheon and were introduced. C. J. Blanchard, statistician of the reclamation service, was present and gave a brief talk. C.

Alexander, of Paris, fatherinlaw of I. A. Shedd, was also present. MORMONS SAY FOURTEEN AMERICANS ARE IN JAIL Two Mormons came up from Casas today to the American conGrandes, Juarez to be registered and reported that there are 17 foreigners in the prison at Casas Grandes, held as rebels, two of them Germans, one Italian and the others Americans. They do not know the names of these men, they say, and they wanted the consul to see if he could not get the names from the Mexican officials.

KOONS GOES WEST. T. B. Koons, general manager of the New Jersey Central railroad and a party of friends passed through El Paso in the private car "Atlas" over the H. S.

A. Thursday. The party is en route to California. TORRENTIAL RAIN IN PECOS VALLEY Already More Than Two Inches Have Fallen at Pecos. CALLAN HANDS OUT.

A JOLT TO SMITH Texas Cattlemen's Head tacks El Paso Congressman in Speech. When James Callan, president of the Cattle Raisers' Association of Texas, declared in his address before the convention here, "a cattlemen's convention or a cowman's ranch is no place for a politician or a statesman who would admit the products of either the farm or the range into this country free of duty," he struck a chord in the hearts of his colleagues that sounded long after the convention had ceased the day's work, says the Express. When Callan, in words that cut like chisels, said congressman W. R. Smith, of Colorado City, was not a friend of the cattlemen and had shown this in many ways, there were cheers from the audience of cowmen, and members of the executive committee who sat on the stage behind speaker cried aloud: "Jolt him a again, Jim!" Mr.

Callan did not mention the name of another statesman than the congress from the big 16th district, but there were some broad intimations aimed at several others. And these intimations were also greeted with visible and audible evidences of approval. "We know that the manufacturers and interests in Massachusetts would like to have free raw material and would like to have protection, and when we can find a congressman of Texas fool enough to accept free raw material, they will gladly form a partnership with him," said Callan. I refer n'ow to the congressman in the section of Texas reaching from Del Rio to the Rio Grande, a country where people try to live mainly by pastoral pursuits--he gets out and preaches about their rights, their property rights, their welfare and crucifies their own -and Mr. Bryan will say that he will publish it in the Commoner.

You will see whether or not Massachusetts is ready to form that kind of a political partnership. Doesn't Mr. Folks, the Democratic governor of Massachusetts occupy the same position occupied by William Smith, of our district, who is Democrat? And let's go a step farther, senator Lodge, a Republican, occupies exactly the same position that William Smith occupies on the free raw material question." VANDALS DESPOIL PETRIFIED FOREST Los Angeles, March W. Helm, chief of field division of the United States land office here, will leave immediately for the petrified forest in the national reserve, in northern Arizona, to investigate reports that vandals with dynamite have been destroying some the finest specimens of the forest. The miscreants have done great damage and have made several large shipments east.

RAIN AT TOYAH KEEPS UP MORE THAN TEN HOURS. Toyah, Texas, March has had a good steady rainfall, which lasted for 10 hours and still continues. Indications are that this rain has extended over a large area. This and the series of light rains a few days previous will put the country back to its normal condition. I SUNNY MONDAY All yellow laundry soaps contain from 20 to rosin.

Sunny Monday Soap contains no rosin that's why it's white. It is made from pure materials, and its use means the saving of clothes. Sunny Monday contains a wonderful dirt starter it saves rubbing, time and labor. THE N. K.

FAIRBANK COMPANY CHICAGO Pecos, March and the entire Pecos and Toyah valley country are today receiving, as they did all last night, the biggest downpour of rain to fall in this part of the state in several years. Estimates place the rainfall already at more than two inches, and it is still raining hard. It puts the country in such a condition as to guarantee not only abnormal irrigation crops, but also large dry farm crops. cos today the condition Business is suspended in Pelargely, the streets, the crossings of which are water except in the busmostly, district. Telephone reports state the rain is general all over the two valleys.

Pimples Off In 5 Days The New Calcium Sulphide Treatment Does Wonders to Every Kind of Skin Eruption, Trial Package Sent Free to Prove It. You don't want to wait forever and a day to get rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions. You want to get rid of them right now. Next week you may want to go somewhere where you wouldn't like to have to take the pimples along. You can get of them just in time by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers.

These wonderful little workers have cured bad boils in three days, and some of the worst cases of skin disease in a week. They contain as their main ingredient the most thorough, quick and effective blood cleanser known, calcium sulphidember this, too, that most pimple treatments reek with poison. And they are miserably slow besides. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a particle of poison in them. They are free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates.

This is absolutely guaranteed. They cannot do any harm, but they always do good-good that you can see in the mirror before your own eyes a few days after. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you, or allow your friends to be ashamed of you because of your face. Your blood makes you what you are.

The men and women who forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make you happy because your face will be a welcome sight not only to yourself when you look into the glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you, We want to prove to you that Stuart's Calcium Wafers are beyond doubt the best and quickest blood and skin purifier in the world-so we will send you a free sample as soon as We get your name and address. Send for it today, and then when you have tried the sample you will not rest contented until you have bought a 50c box at your druggists's. Send us your name and address today and we will at once send you by mail a sample package free. Address F.

A. Stuart 175 Stuart Marshall, Mich. have secured the old First Baptist church for 1 use as a gymnasium. Maurice Eric Moyer, son of E. J.

Moyer, of the Pecos Daily Times, died after a long illness. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Mr. Hub M. Smith.

officiating. HOTEL GUEST IS ROBBED OF VEST Two burglars broke into the Linden hotel Thursday morning. men were and scared away by J. Peralta, who rooms opposite the Linden in the Y. M.

building. The burglars forced a window on the ground floor in the room of G. G. Hill, of Concordia, who is a guest at the Linden, and secured his coat and vestia which contained valuable papers letters. They dropped the a vest, whilinthey were trying to get away.

Mr. reported the burglary to the police. DEATHS AND BURIALS. DAVID 'KNIGHT'S MOTHER. San Antonio, March David McKnight, aged 72, mother David McKnight, chief clerk in the railway mail service at El Paso, died here today.

She was a pioneer resident and widow of Dr. McKnight, a former surgeon in the confederate army. TWO CHINAMEN ARRESTED. Two Chinamen, Lem Tong and Mar You were taken into custody Wednesday on complaint of immigration inspector Huffman and charged with being unlawfully in the United States. Lem Tong claims to have been born in San Francisco, and the other says he has a certificate giving him a right to remain in the United States.

Their hearing was set for 30. Lem Tong was released on Thursday morning. HORSES BROUGHT OVER. Two race horses were passed through the El Paso customs house from Juarez Thursday. "Oblivion," a race horse belonging to J.

Johnson was passed through Wednesday, STEEL PLANT LAYS OFF 120 WORKMEN Big Concern in Monterey, Mexico, Cuts Down Force. Monterey, N. March account of a lack of work, 120 employes of the Monterey Steel company have been laid off. Monterey's name is mud. It has been raining here for several days and from the prospects it seems as though it will continue for several days longer.

The farmers are rejoicing, as the rain is the kind that soaks in. The Monterey Y. M. C. men are holding a local bowling tournament.

The tournament consists of six teams of six men each and will last five weeks, the teams matching every Thursday night. The intercity tournament between Monterey and Mexico City leaves Monterey behind several, hundred pins at present, but several games to be rolled yet. ALL IS READY FOR CIRCUS AT THE Y. M. C.

A. FRIDAY. The Dingling Brothers' circus, which is to be produced at the Y. M. C.

A. Friday and Saturday night, is fast rounding into shape, and the performance promises to be one of the biggest hits ever produced by the local Y. M. C. A.

boys. Rehearsals have been held regularly for the past two months and everything is in order for the opening next Friday night. The main feature of the circus will be the clowns, with physical director Robinson as the principal funmaker. Mr. Robinson has a number of assistants in this line who will help to keep the audience laughing throughout the performance.

The Scotch dances, in which a number of the high school boys and girls will take part, promises to be one of the features of the evening. INSPECTOR CLARKE HERE. Charles R. Clarke. United States postoffice inspector from San Antonio, arrived in El Paso, Wednesday.

FISHER HOTEL New--Just Opened. 40 Rooms 40 Baths and Telephones Steam Heat and Elevator Rates $2.00 per Day J. W. FISHER, PROP. Formerly with Sheldon Hotel.

DRINK MILK Drink Lots of it It's pure, rich, sweet. It's good, and good for your tem. It's nature's purest food drink. It's a health food. Many families use three to five quarts per day.

EL PASO DAIRY CO. Phones: Bell 340; Auto. 1150. Office 313 N. Oregon..

El Paso Herald from El Paso, Texas (2024)


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