The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (2024)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (1)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (2)

Pibby vs Errored Bun-Bun

This is fairly old artwork I made, but this is my vision of how the final battle between Pibby and Bun-Bun could look!

This was my very first fanart of Learning With Pibby, which I uploaded to my DeviantArt on March 19, 2022. However, I actually made this a few weeks before that.

Fun fact, my icon I used in the older versions were actually from my v7 stage!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (3)

Fan-Made Pibby Poster

Another older Pibby artwork I made. I was very excited about Learning With Pibby (I still am).

I had the idea for this after first seeing the actual Pibby poster. I'm quite happy with how Pibby and Alloy Boy turned out, though I think I could've done better with Melira. I'm just not used to drawing chunky characters.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (4)

Whiskey & Absent vs the Ruin

This is some artwork I made based on my and my buddy JUKEBOXPIRATE's co-op playthrough of Starbound on his channel.

If anyone is interested, the playlist is here:

A couple months before I made this, my buddy JUKEBOXPIRATE and I just finished our playthrough of Starbound on his channel. We had a ton of fun, and I wanted to make some cool artwork based on our experience. The playlist is linked above for your convenience!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (5)

Project Singularity Halloween Promo

Halloween's coming soon, so here's a random thing I made! Happy Halloween from Project Singularity Pibby & her crew!

I saw some other Pibby fans make some Halloween-themed artwork of their AUs, so I figured I'd make my own. In the image, Pibby is dressed as Gaz Membrane from Invader Zim, Cole is dressed as Isaac Clarke from Dead Space 2, Alloy Boy is dressed as Nos Ferratu from The Invaders Saga, and Melira is dressed as Toriel from Undertale. I had a lot of fun making this, and it was fun to decide who was dressed up as who.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (6)

Pibby vs Errored Bun-Bun v2

One year ago today, Pibby made her debut from the realm of fiction and captured the hearts of millions, including myself. Just over two weeks later, I made my first artwork of Pibby, cementing myself in the fandom. This is a revamp of that first fanart to celebrate Pibby's 1-year anniversary!

This is a remake of my very first fanart of Learning With Pibby, which depicts my vision of the final confrontation between Pibby and the now-Errored Bun-Bun, but this time utilizing the new artstyle I recently developed.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (7)


On Halloween, Reddit user WeirdBoi-85 made "fanart" of Project Singularity, depicting his villain WeirdBoi.EXE killing Cole Maverick, PS Pibby, and PS Bun-Bun. I let it slide simply because it felt nice to know that someone made fanart of something I created. But now... well, this is how that fight would actually go down. Due to him creating some uncomfortable artwork of Pibby, I left his subreddit. He then attacked me for doing so, claiming that I hated him and everything he made (even though I made it clear that wasn't the case).

WeirdBoi didn't win against me last night, just as WeirdBoi.EXE wouldn't win against Cole.


This artwork's explanation is very lengthy. If you want to read it, feel free to click the title below. Please keep in mind that the page being linked below may show uncomfortable and triggering content, but thankfully nothing explicit.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (9)

Pibby vs Errored Zeus

Exiting from the Rift, having just barely escaped the Errored on what Isaac called Titan Station, Pibby found herself in a world wrought with chaos. The seas had swallowed the land, the sun had been blotted out by clouds, and translucent beings were hovering over the lands. Seeing the ruins of the architecture, Pibby recognized her location as ancient Greece. Looking around cautiously, knowing by now that the Darkness wouldn't take long to follow, she found a pair of chained swords, abandoned by their previous wielder. Pibby picked them up and looked at them curiously before she heard... thunder? Instinctively, she leapt back, narrowly dodging a lightning bolt. She looked up to see a man, already Errored, hovering in the air.

"I am Zeus, king of the Olympians!" the man shouted with a booming voice. "Know your place, child, and kneel before the Darkness!"

"I'm not kneeling!" shouted Pibby. "I'm not running anymore, either!" She knew that there weren't any Rifts nearby, and Cole's Rift opener still had a few minutes left to charge. With no other option, she clutched her new weapons tightly. As if they knew they were about to be wielded once more, the blades ignited.

"If you will not yield," Zeus growled, "then I shall MAKE you yield!!"

This artwork came about thanks to a discussion on the Pibby Fanbase Discord server regarding the similarities between Pibby and the Doom Slayer. I wanted to see Pibby wielding the Blades of Chaos/Athena/Exile from God of War, and so here we are. This artwork's mini-story is also based in an early storyline for Pibby: Singularity, in which Pibby is completely alone for most of the story.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (10)

The Invasion of 2016 [Remake]

As Cole climbed up the Empress' back, the Invadakrian fighters zipping around at supersonic speeds, his Atlantian friend Nos was shooting at any Transmuted who tried to go after him. Traverson and his squad were on the ground, just barely holding their own. Cole could see Washington City in the distance, plumes of smoke rising high above the cityscape.

This is a remake of an artwork I made back in 2017, depicting the Invasion of 2016 during The Invaders Saga Chapter I: Origins. I decided that I wanted to remake some of my old artwork with my current artstyle and techniques, and I'm quite happy with how it turned out!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (11)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (12)

Absent's 2022 Art Collage

2022 is only a few days from coming to a close, so here's a look back at the art I made this year!

Thanks for sticking around, everyone!

This is a collage of all the art I made throughout 2022, and a thank you to everyone who found me and decided to stick around! This collage includes Pibby vs Errored Bun-Bun, Fan-Made Pibby Poster, Whiskey & Absent vs the Ruin, Project Singularity Halloween Promo, Pibby vs Errored Bun-Bun v2, ENOUGH, Pibby vs Errored Zeus, The Invasion of 2016: Remake, and the cover art for Pibby: Singularity Episode 1!

Thanks for sticking around!

The Invaders Saga Ch1 Cover

The cover art for the first episode of The Invaders Saga Chapter I: Origins is done!

This is the first cover art for my upcoming comic series of The Invaders Saga! It is set to start as a book before going to a comic, and then becoming a full-fledged video game!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (14)


Name: Void

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Race: Human/Eclipsan

  • Void is the Cole Maverick of Multiverse-N and the Champion of Eclipse. Having once proven himself worthy of being the Eclipsans' second-in-command, just under his master Eclipse, Void is known to be very calm and apathetic about the severity of any given threat, solely because he can easily remove said threat with a single thought. However, he is also known to toy with the threat before eliminating them. The most well-known incident of this in his multiverse is when a powerful intergalactic creature came to the planet Invadakri to consume all life on the planet. Void responded by summoning an ecliptium gladiator's arena and forcing the creature to fight trillions of umbran warriors until Void finally removed it from existence. Void, like many Eclipsans, is also known to venture outside of the reality and visit other ones. Some stories claim that he's seen things that don't exist in his home reality: one of monsters hunting children, one of bioweapons, one of learning, and one of artifacts causing insanity.

This of one of my favorite OCs I've created, and he's also one of the most powerful OCs I've made! He's from one of my stories titled Aphotic Radiance.

Void is another one of my OCs, as well as one of the most powerful of the Blackout Reality's cast.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (15)

Pibby: Singularity Alt Costumes

All of the alternate unlockable costumes for Pibby: Singularity have been revealed! Except for one...

What could it be, I wonder...?

Pibby: Singularity is definitely going to have some sort of replay value, and to do help do this, the game will have ten unlockable alternate costumes for Pibby, most being based on other Pibby AUs in the fandom, including Pibby Lavee by TerraTerraCotta (who voices Buggy and Moe), Pibby: After Apocalypse by EVX, Terror the Cartoon Virus by Connor Crawford (who voices Captain Platinum), Pibby[PI88Y] by DippyTheDeveloper, and Pibby: Power Corrupted by Skir!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (16)

Happy Birthday Terra!

Been working on this for at least three weeks, and it's dedicated to one of the biggest members of the Pibby fandom!

Happy 31st Birthday Terra!!

For TerraTerraCotta's 31st birthday, I created a special artwork for her to celebrate her birthday! She's a very prominent figure in the Pibby fandom, while also being an incredibly kind (and often times stubborn) individual!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (17)

Nightmare Bun-Bun Concept Art

This twisted version of her dearest friend is the result of the Darkness' attacks on poor Pibby's mind.

Concept art for Nightmare Bun-Bun, one of the characters of Pibby: Singularity!

Nightmare Bun-Bun is a version of Bun-Bun created by Pibby's mind as a result of her being traumatized by the Darkness' sudden attack on her world. He is also one of the antagonists and bosses of Pibby: Singularity.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (18)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (19)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (20)

Smol Pib

Smol Pib.


The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (21)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (22)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (23)

Smol Pib: AU Edition

Pibby Lavee by TerraTerraCotta

After Apocalypse by EVX

Pibby[PI88Y] by EVX

Smol... again.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (24)

Thorns: Blackout Remix


Another Blackout Remix that I want to release sometime in the near future, being of Thorns from Friday Night Funkin'!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (25)

Singularity Darkness Concept Art

"You ask who I am? I am chaos incarnate, mayhem given form, carnage given life. I am entropy, I am anarchy, I am disorder. I am the darkness that befalls the Separate!"

Concept art for the Darkness in Pibby: Singularity!

This was an early design for the Darkness as it would've appeared in Pibby: Singularity, though it has several differences from the current version of the Singularity Darkness.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (26)

Dark Pibby

Something I made last night as part of the roleplay's version of the Separate.

May or may not also be canon to Pibby: Singularity...

A design I made for a potential antagonist in a potential sequel to Pibby: Singularity. Nothing is confirmed yet, but...

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (27)

Errored Huggy Wuggy

As part of a challenge from LuckierPlanet31, I made an Errored Huggy Wuggy from Poppy Playtime. After being caught, the Darkness turned the living toy into an Assaulter due to its high tendancy for violence. Thus, this Errored can form lethal weapons from the Darkness to better injure its targets, lowering their chances of escape.

And no, this doesn't appear in the game.

LuckierPlanet31 gave me a challenge to draw Huggy Wuggy from Poppy Playtime as an Errored, so I obliged and did just that! This also serves as a good reference to how Errored generally look like and what they can do!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (28)

Absent as a Content Farm Channel

You know I had to get in on this action myself, right?

If The Absent Darkness was a content-farm channel! Thanks to TerraTerraCotta for the templates!

There was a trend that started on Twitter, making fun of content farm channels. As a fun way to get in on the trend, Terra began her own trend where someone's persona tries to guess between a good and evil version of their OCs.

Fun fact: my persona's angry to represent both the in-character frustration of guessing and the IRL annoyance at the general existence of content farms.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (29)


Introducing the newest evil to befall the Blackout Reality: Corrupt!

The long-forgotten and long-abandoned brother-turned-rival of Eclipse and Aurora, Corrupt is the creator of the material known as corruptium, and master of the Corruptans. He has only one goal in mind: twist the minds of the living and turn them against the Vitalans. Corrupt is highly intelligent, powerful, and malicious, as it has been battling the Vitalans for trillions of years.

Based on the Darkness of Learning With Pibby: Apocalypse, while also remaining faithful to my Vitalan lore, Corrupt is a new villain of The Invaders Saga and the Blackout Reality.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (30)

Official Pumpkin Head Historian

Made for TerraTerraCotta, to help lift her spirits after this weekend!

After Terra spent many long hours writing a document to expose a year-long revenge plot by two very twisted individuals, she was feeling quite stressed from all the work she did, so I made this to help cheer her up after that whole ordeal!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (31)

Pibby: Singularity Poster 1

After a stranger from another reality crashes on her world, 10-year-old Pibby narrowly escapes a dark fate and learns that all of existence is under attack by an evil entity. Teaming up with the immortal warrior Cole Maverick, timid sidekick Alloy Boy, and feline villainess Melira, Pibby must learn how to overcome her own demons and what it means to be a hero. But with her closest friend twisted by the entity, she must also find a way to destroy the evil befalling everyone, but it isn't what it seems...

The official poster for Pibby: Singularity, ready to go!

After I started laser-focusing on Pibby: Singularity's development, this poster was the first major thing to come out of it! Featuring the four main protagonists (Melira, Alloy Boy, Cole, and of course Pibby) plus the main antagonist and two Errored (Zim and a Necromorph Slasher)!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (32)

Memes Incarnate vs Chaos Incarnate

The Darkness isn't quite on board with the Singularity Darkness' MO. Considering it's memes incarnate meeting chaos incarnate, can you really blame it?

Inspired by an artwork by Radiami.

I was inspired by user Radiami's artwork of the canon Darkness (nicknamed Smiley by Terra) meeting their Darkness OC Amalgam, and it was a lot of fun to make!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (33)


The first of three artworks from me for the iDuck Art Collab!

After user iDuckFilms began recieving a lot of hate for liking a Pibby meme, I started an art collaboration with the goal of cheering her up! This shows Poppy, a character iDuck frequently uses, in my artstyle holding a Darkness sword.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (34)

T-Posing Poppy

The second one of my artworks for the iDuck Art Collab!


The T-pose. A powerful form.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (35)

Smol Pop

Poppy, but smol.

Once more...

s m o l . . .

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (36)

So'Katl Haek, the Solar Empress

[Age] 9,500+ years

[Abilities] Temperature resistance, immortality, anatmospheric respiration, radiation immunity, disease immunity, flight, photonic warp

[Description] The Solarian race is a strange one, as they shouldn't even be possible. Yet, they are a very real and functional interstellar species. The Solarians greatly resemble humans, though they lack a mouth, nose, and ears. Though they appear to be made of fire, they are actually composed of highly-specialized cells that allow them to take in all energy from the sun, use what's needed for energy, and expell the excess in the form of fire. However, despite their dangerous appearance, the flames being expelled from their body are actually only pleasantly warm, around 80°F on average, still allowing for physical contact without causing harm to anyone or anything around them. The energy they constantly expel is also used by the Solarians to take flight, as they can cause their bodies to expel excess energy at different intensities from anywhere on their body. However, this does mean that they must remain extremely close to the in order to survive, so they live on a ringworld, utilizing heat shielding to prevent melting, that orbits about five million miles above the surface of the sun, which allows the Solarian population the supply of solar energy they need to survive. Because they reside at the very center of the system, the Solarians are considered to be the rulers, and thus a Solar Emperor or Empress is always in charge. So'Katl Haek, as of the 72nd century, is the current Solar Empress and rules the entire Sol System peacefully, while also allowing the individual planets to have their own rulers or ambassadors.

One of the rulers of the Sol System/Sister System in The Invaders Saga: So'Katl Haek, the Solar Empress. Her clothing was inspired by that of elven culture from various fantasy media.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (37)

Pixel Spider

So I've been experimenting with pixel art, and I ended up making this spider.

This little guy's design was inspired by both the jumping spider and the tarantula.

This was made in a very short time frame and just randomly, but I love how he turned out! I shall name him Skrombly (if you get the reference, we're friends now)!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (38)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (39)

Custom Spider Logos

Ended up making my own takes on Spider-Man's emblems, being his regular and his symbiote emblems.

I had just gotten done beating Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on my PS5, so Spidey and Venom were living rent-free in my head. So, I decided it'd be fun to make my own spider emblems!

For the designs, I took inspiration from both the classic comic emblems and the Raimiverse (the 2002-2007 movies with Tobey Maguire) emblems, and I think they turned out really well!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (40)

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (41)

Maps of Xitar

Kinda forgot I had these, but...

Two maps of my planet Xitar, complete with the names of every continent, ocean, nation, and capital on the planet!

I had way too much fun making the vast lore for Xitar and its stellar neighborhood in the Andromeda Galaxy. I would explain all of the lore here, but it'll probably require an entire document dedicated to just Xitarian lore.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (42)

Custom Spider-Man Suit Design

Time: 2hr, 3min

I took inspiration from the classic comic suit, the new suit from No Way Home, Raimi's suit, and Insomniac's advanced suit to make this! Might be a little basic, but I'm still happy with it!

Spidey's one of my top superheroes, so after playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2, I knew I'd eventually get the need to make my own suit for the webhead. So, here it is!

Fun fact: the emblem I used is actually the same one I made previously!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (43)

Custom HOAAR Title

Made this to celebrate the release of Will Ryan's newest album, Heart of an Artist: Resurrection!

Will Ryan/DAGames is one of the biggest reasons I first got into making music, with the original release of this album helping to teach me how to not give in to the negativity on the internet.

Heart of an Artist: Resurrection is currently my absolute favorite album so far, because despite its shift to fit in Will Ryan's IRIS universe, the core themes of each song still remain.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (44)


First-ever attempt at drawing Pomni from The Amazing Digital Circus!

Honestly, I think I did pretty well for a first try.

I wanted to try my hand at drawing the main character from TADC, Pomni, and I truly believe that it came out better than I expected!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (45)


This is that purple & blue Pomni clone I claimed (I got lazy and just recolored my Pomni artwork).

Since she came from content farms that lack all forms of flow and logic, I'll name her XDDCC (yes, the random name Caine first tried).

Since content farm channels seem to enjoy making dollar-store knockoffs of characters, friends and I have made it tradition to just take a recolor we like and make it our own. In this case, a clone of Pomni, except purple and blue instead of red and blue.

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (46)


"Caine, is this another one of your NPCs, or is this a new sucker?"

Introducing the newest member of The Amazing Digital Circus' fan cast, Aniva, claimed by me from a content farm!

Aniva started as a content farm lazily recoloring Pomni black & red and turning her evil. So, when I got ahold of her, I decided to take a slightly different approach. I went for a sorta "if Pomni was a goth girl" type of feel, while also adding a few extra jester elements and some of my own personal flair.

As for her lore, Aniva is a girl who entered the Digital Circus and became trapped inside, taking a form that would later be noted as similar to Pomni (although Aniva entered a year or two before Pomni). Aniva tends to act similarly to Jax, except seeming to be far colder towards everyone. However, she secretly has a heart of gold, as she deeply cares about the well-being of the others. Despite this, Aniva will often collaborate with Jax in pranking the others (such as providing Jax with centipedes to scare Ragatha).

One of the traits that Aniva has retained from her prior life is her ability to look and sound completely disinterested or unamused. This often causes even Jax to avoid pranking her, as she could be seething with rage but still look unimpressed and speak in a neutral tone. However, Aniva will still smile or frown if she wants to communicate her mood (though, most of the time, she doesn't) or if she genuinely feels she's in danger (i.e. she'll still show fear if she's being hunted by the Abstraction).

If you couldn't already tell, I've taken a liking to Aniva more than XDDCC.

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They Be Plotting

Aniva and Jax are plotting. Ragatha's not gonna know till it's too late.

To help showcase the type of character I'm aiming for Aniva to be, I made this short little comic. Like in the lore I made for her, she likes to help Jax in pranking the rest of the cast.

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Absent's 2023 Art Collage

All of the art that I've made throughout 2023! I made SO MUCH more art this year than in 2022: a grand total of FOURTY-TWO artworks compared to last year's nine!

2023 was a rough year for me, especially towards the end in the last couple months. But, despite that, I did quite a lot of artwork for this year, and this collage has (almost) all of the art I've made!

Thanks for sticking around, everyone! Here's to 2024!

The Absent Darkness - Portfolio (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.