Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (2024)

“Trust Goes Both Ways” in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is a new mission you’ll pick up from Fynch, the friendly Hive Ghost who serves as the vendor in Savathun’s Throne World.

You’ll pick up this quest early on in The Witch Queen campaign, but it isn’t central to the plot. The quest serves to show you around the new location, and isn’t required to finish the campaign. However, it will net you some sweet Throne World weapons, armor, and Fynch reputation.

All told, Truth Goes Both Ways is a very straightforward quest. If you mark the quest in your journal, the game will show you where to go most of the time. However, there are two sections where you’ll need to find chests in the Throne World: Region and Faction.

There are only nine Region chests in the Throne World, and you’ll need to find all of them if you want to complete this quest. The Region chests are all marked on the map with a symbol, but they can still be tricky to find.

In this guide we’ll tell you the difference between Region and Faction chests, as well as where to find all the gold chests in Savathun’s Throne World.

Faction chests

During “Trust Goes Both Ways,” you’ll get a quest to pick up several Faction chests scattered throughout the Throne World. This may sound like a new type of objective to discover, but it actually just means enemy chests found inside the location.

You can find these chests randomly strewn about a variety of spawning locations if you just look carefully enough. However, there’s also a four energy Ghost Mod called Treasure Hunter — which you can pair with the Blinding Light XP mod to fill up your Ghost’s energy slots — that will let you detect treasure chests within 50 meters, showing you where they are immediately.

We recommend popping on that Ghost mod to help you find the Faction chests

First Quagmire region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (1) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The first region chest in the Quagmire region is at the top part of the map, just above the name Quagmire.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (2) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Jump up above the swamp and look for a small bluff jutting out of a mountain, overlooking the Scorn area below. You’ll see the golden chest sitting on the edge of the bluff.

Second Quagmire region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (3) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The second quagmire chest is to the south, sitting on some of the Light-infused castle architecture.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (4) Image: Bungie via Polygon

You’re looking for a castle parapet or turret looking over a big chasm. Climb the structure closest to the swamp wall and you’ll find the chest resting precariously on the edge.

Third Quagmire region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (5) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The third Quagmire chest is in a Light-infused area, just under the name Quagmire on the map.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (6) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Find the icon on the map and walk over to it. You’ll see some Light-infused castle and a big bridge. Jump down under the bridge and look for a gap. Jump into the gap and you’ll see the chest resting against a door.

First Miasma region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (7) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The first Miasma region chest is northwest of the Lost sector.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (8) Image: Bungie via Polygon

You’ll see some crumbling Hive architecture here and what looks like a bridge. If you run under the crumbled, smooshed area, you’ll find the chest sitting up against a wall.

Second Miasma region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (9) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The second Miasma chest is in the southern part of the region, in a large tower.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (10) Image: Bungie via Polygon

If you know where to look, this one is tough to miss. There’s a big tower in the Miasma area. Climb it and the chest is on one of the top-most platforms.

Third Miasma region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (11) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The third Miasma chest is the hardest to find based on its map icon. You’re looking for a cave entrance in the northeast part of the zone.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (12) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Once you find the entrance, follow the cave to the chest.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (13) Image: Bungie via Polygon

If you look at the image above, this is where the chest actually is. But to get inside the mountain, look at the little hook just north of our green arrow.

First Florescent Canal region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (14) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The first region chest in the Florescent Canal is on the south side of the region.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (15) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Go to the great chasm at the bottom part of the map and look for the tower standing next to a wall. Look through the tower and you’ll see the treasure chest sitting on the edge of the wall. Jump over to it.

Second Florescent Canal region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (16) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The second region chest in the Fluorescent Canal is north of the entrance to the Court of Thorns.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (17) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Climb to the top of the large tower here and open the chest sitting on the edge, similarly to the second chest in Quagmire.

Third Florescent Canal region chest

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (18) Image: Bungie via Polygon

The final gold chest in the Florescent Canal and Savathun’s Throne World is, where else, behind a waterfall.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (19) Image: Bungie via Polygon

Near the entrance to the Court of Thorns you’ll find two giant chalice towers with white waterfalls spilling out of them. Go to the north-most one and follow the water down to a small room. Go inside and you’ll find another golden chest.

With that, you’ve found all the region chests for the “Trust Goes Both Ways” quest in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. All you need to do now is kill some Scorn and follow the objective markers.

Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations (2024)


Destiny 2 The Witch Queen guide: Trust Goes Both Ways region and faction chest locations? ›

What's a faction chest? Faction chests, despite the somewhat lavish name, are just standard open-world chests that you can find while navigating the Throne World.

What counts as a faction chest in Destiny 2? ›

What's a faction chest? Faction chests, despite the somewhat lavish name, are just standard open-world chests that you can find while navigating the Throne World.

How do you complete the trust goes both ways quest in Destiny 2? ›

How to Complete Trust Goes Both Ways
  1. Step 1: Loot region chests. ...
  2. Step 2: Defeat Scorn and complete a public event in the Miasma. ...
  3. Step 3: Loot Faction Chests and complete patrols in the Miasma. ...
  4. Step 4: Return to Fynch.
Feb 23, 2022

How to get faction chest? ›

Faction chests have green beams of light emitting from the front and each side, making them a little easier to spot, but you'll still need a Ghost mod to find them. These chests respawn, albeit in random locations, so if you can only find two or three at once, leave the area for a while and come back later.

Did Destiny 2 remove factions? ›

Destiny 2 failed to reestablish the excitement of factions, with players always gravitating towards the faction with the best rewards. The lack of engagement from the community led to factions being eventually removed from the game.

What is a faction locked chest? ›

To put things simply, Fortnite's faction locked chests are special containers located in Spy Bases, and players will need to disguise themselves to unlock them. This means that fans must visit a phone booth before hitting a faction locked chest in Fortnite, and those can be found just outside of the Spy Bases.

What does Trust Goes Both Ways mean? ›

Trust is a two-way street. Either start hiring people you can trust or start trusting the people you've already hired. The fastest way to make someone trustworthy is to trust them. If you're waiting for them to trust you first then perhaps you've forgotten that YOU'RE the leader…you go first.

How to get quagmire region chest? ›

First Quagmire region chest

The first region chest in the Quagmire region is at the top part of the map, just above the name Quagmire. Jump up above the swamp and look for a small bluff jutting out of a mountain, overlooking the Scorn area below. You'll see the golden chest sitting on the edge of the bluff.

Where does trust drop Destiny 2? ›

The Trust is a Precision Frame Hand Cannon that can be obtained as a drop from Gambit as of Season of Defiance (20). Starting in Season of the Deep (21), the Trust will be able to be focused on the Drifter with Gambit Engrams.

What is the symbol for the region chest in Destiny 2? ›

Region chests are a collection of nine special chests hidden around Neomuna, with three in each sub-area. You can identify their rough location on the map by a faint white cross symbol. Once you've looted a specific region chest, it is gone forever.

How to get Ahimsa Park chest? ›

Ahimsa Park Chest Locations

Make your way to the Calus Pyramid ship on the northeast corner of Ahimsa Park. From the Pyramid, jump down from the northern edge of the zone and walk along the hidden shoreline. You'll find the chest hiding in a small cave hiding under the edge of the map.

How do you get the Zephyr regional chest? ›

Zephyr Concourse Region Chest #2

On the level below the billboard, you'll find a smashed shop window that features a weight-lifting set and an open vent on the upper left. Head through that vent, and you'll find the Region Chest.

What are loot faction chests in Destiny 2? ›

The Faction Chests are really just the caches that would be found on any destination. Why Bungie opted to use this new term is puzzling and only serves to confuse players. But, with the confusion alleviated, it's really just a matter of tracking down the chests in the Miasma.

How do you get a magic chest? ›

Magical Chests take either 12 hours, 72 Gems, or 1 Chest Key to unlock.

What are factions in Destiny 2? ›

Factions are in-universe groups with which various characters, including Guardians, can align themselves. Most faction representatives are located in the Tower, selling unique weapons and armor for their factions.

What counts as a Fireteam Destiny 2? ›

A Fireteam is a small squad composed of three to six players, intended to make combating enemies and completing tasks easier than when playing solo.

What counts as major enemies Destiny 2? ›

A major is a stronger version of an enemy. They have increased health and shields and are distinguished by a yellow (Destiny) or orange (Destiny 2) health bar and a special prefix or unique name.


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